Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mac Update

A lot of you know that I've had an on-going battle with my horse's, Mac, weight. He was at a "facility" in Granite Bay where he was put with two other horses, STILL charged me as if he were in a stall, and fed just enough. Unfortunately, my horse is very picky with his hay and he's not very food-motivated (unless it's a carrot). My horse started to lose weight, and quickly. The other two horses would gobble the food up and Mac, being a slow eater, barely got any.

The owner of the facility told me that he "was eating $200 worth of food." Bullshit. If he were, he wouldn't be so god-damn skinny. I got fed up. I packed up his stuff and left (which she wasn't very happy about. A boarder who was overpaying just left!)

He went to the place where I worked and lived at the time. Things got sour there (aka the "boss" went batshit insane) so I had to take him out. A lady leased him, so, reluctantly, I let him go to her house. He was STILL skinny and the lady didn't do what I told her would work to make him gain weight. The lease didn't work out, and I took him to Knicker Knob Stables, where he currently is.

Here he is when he first got to Knicker Knob, probably a month or so after his arrival date, at 854 pounds. He had gained about 60 pounds at this point. Yeah... he had GAINED 60 pounds when this picture was taken.

He's been there since the end of summer. Eating, being a horse, etc. And I've been able to enjoy my horse more than I have in the past couple of years (the chick at the Granite Bay place made my life a living hell). As of today, my horse now looks like this (see picture below), FULLY body clipped...

He's not eating $200 worth of food, yet he's gaining weight. See the bullshit I was telling you about? His weight right now is ideal, and I'm so happy I'm back at Knicker Knob. He's as happy as he has been in a long time. And why? Because we let our horses be horses at this place!

Sorry you had to go through hell and back, Spanky. I'm definitely apologetic for my mistakes. At least you're at a fantastic, safe place now... and we're not leaving!

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