About Me

Hey all, I'm Kasea. I'm a U.S. Navy Sailor. I'm also a passionate horse woman and a wannabe cyclist. 

I'm in full support of the Oxford comma and fat ponies. I don't really care for cold weather or papaya. Everyone's pretty much my friend until they prove otherwise. I fully believe that a person can have a love affair for the rest of his/her life. 

I have an Arabian gelding, MCA Hi Impression, aka "Mac" or "The Spanky," whom is the love of my life and I would do anything to keep him happy. He has taught me the meaning of hard work, compassion, heart break, victory, failure, patience, dedication, disappointment, and a love I can't describe. He's now retired from competition. 

I'm currently a CAT 3 cyclist and a professional bad ass.   

I write about my random adventures, cycling reports, bike reviews, and general life updates. I'll sometimes write a random entry just for the fun of it and to put some variety into my blog. 

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