Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pink Helmet

I love obnoxiously bright colors. I like them to be as obnoxious as me. My helmet was a gonner when I had an intimate three-way with the asphalt and my bike at Fast and Furious earlier this year, so I took that as an opportunity to get the helmet I really, really wanted; a hot pink Rudy project. I debated for a while if I wanted to get a helmet that matched my bike or my kit. Obviously, I decided to go with a helmet that matched my bike.

After a week of riding with my cracked helmet and racing with a borrowed one, my new helmet finally came.

I took my bran-spakin' new helmet out of the box and it nearly blinded me. Perfect. It was just as bright and obnoxious as I hoped it would be. I don't know of many people who get really excited over something bright. I guess that when you have a simple life, simple things make you really, really happy. And this helmet made me really happy.

With the pink helmet comes a lot of exposure. Everyone recognizes me. People can probably see me from miles away, in the dark, and with their eyes closed. Not only is my helmet recognizable, so is my bike (there are 3 pink Grammos in this area). On every ride, I hear a lot of "Hey, Kasea!" or people (nicely) honking at me on the roads. Not only that, I've had a few people actually pull over to cheer me on or to say hello to me. The support is awesome.

I mean, really. How cool is it to have someone pull over just so they can say hi to you? I think that's pretty awesome, but then again, the little things are what make me ridiculously happy.

Hey, at least I know that if a car ever hits me, the "I didn't see her" excuse won't fly.

I'll also admit that being called "Pink Helmet" is a lot better than being called "Bad Touch."

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