Saturday, April 20, 2013

Things That Are Not Okay 4

Several good opportunities have presented themselves in my career and in my cycling. Thank you to those who have encouraged and supported me on these adventures. You guys are awesome and inspire me to keep the good and self-improving vibes flowing! To those who have been really negative toward my improvements and me, boo on you. Your negativity is not needed and will no longer be allowed to put a bummer on my day.
I actually had to post that status on my Facebook. People are absolutely ridiculous. I get that some people are butt-hurt over some of my decisions, but none of my decisions have a negative impact on anyone or anything. In fact, it can only positively affect me. So, why? Why are people being so rude, so petty, and so damn stupid?

To those who have been awesome and supporting me, thank you. I know some people don't know the full story, but it's in the works. If everything works out the way I hope it does, I'll make an announcement and I'll thank every single one of you for being amazing and supporting me in these decisions. The awesome support definitely outweighs the negativity of those who are nay-saying my decisions, or who are too butt-hurt and have decided to give me the silent treatment instead of telling me that they're butt hurt.

This "Master Plan" has been in the works for a while, so I'm hoping it all works out.

For those of you who were asking about my cycling, yes, I have switched teams for the rest of my season. I definitely enjoy LeadOut Racing, however I've been racing solo for most of my W3 career and after racing Top Sport against so many Metromint ladies, I realized that I won't be able to achieve my goals as a solo racer. It can't be done. When such large teams takes control of a race, all a solo racer can do is sit and maybe get a lucky break, which I wasn't able to get at Top Sport. The Chico Stage Race was a bit different, however. I guest rode for Red Peloton, the second largest team in that race (Metromint, again, being the largest), and we were able to do some damage. Being on a team is what I need to achieve my goals. Being a team player is essential. I've always been a team player, I just needed the team. There are quite a few W3s in Red Peloton, and now I'll be racing with them.

Oh yeah, I'm freakin' stoked!

With that being said, no, I'm not a traitor. I'm still the same person, the same cyclist, who trains just like everyone else does. I still want to ride, train, and hang out with those who were my teammates, because I consider a lot of them my friends. The only thing that has changed are my kit colors. For those of you who have called me a "traitor" and who have said that it was a bad move on my part, you can kiss my Latina ass. It's as simple as that. I'm not going to deal with your petty and stupid ideas that I "belong" to one team. This is amateur racing; if I'm not having fun, it's not worth it. Being a solo racer and not achieving my goals eventually gets tiring. Having a team with several riders in my category is ideal for someone who has goals and wants to build up a good race resumé.

Seriously, I cannot believe some people's reaction. I haven't even told my whole team and the reactions are already stupid. And no, I will not sugar-coat how stupid these reactions were, because the reactions of me switching teams were just stupid. Those reactions are not okay. These decisions are not affecting anyone in a negative way. If anything, the effects of these decisions are all positive. These decisions are affecting no one but myself, so back off and quit saying stupid shit.

So thank you to those who have supported me. I know some of these decisions are hard ones, such as my career one, but they're good. I'm hoping everything works out. I'm taking all the necessary steps, I just have to be patient. I'm extremely excited... but the wait.

... stupid waiting game!

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