Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Raisins: Are There Worse Things?

The answer is no.

One thing I really dislike absolutely loathe with a horribly angry passion is raisins. I hate raisins. I didn't know a person could hate such a small and pruned-up fruit. I love grapes, but dry them out and I start to freak out.
This is pretty much what I see.
A couple of years ago, I went to Disneyland with my then boyfriend and his family. We decided to get breakfast at some place in Downtown Disney, and I decided to get a carrot muffin. The muffin looked delicious, so I bit right into it and, to my horror, saw that it had raisins. I accidentally ate a raisin that morning and pretty much mentally freaked out.

It was pretty devastating. I had just eaten a raisin and the rest of them were just there, in their tiny raisin-ness, taunting me. If you think that raisins can't taunt you, you're wrong. And no one seemed to care that I had just eaten a nasty raisin. Everyone was telling me how delicious raisins are (gross). I then spent the next 30 minutes picking every single raisin out of my muffin.

I'm not allergic to raisins and I used to eat them as a child, so I don't know what started to freak me out about raisins. I don't mind if a raisin touches my food, but I can't eat them. They're gross. Raisins are pretty much the devil incarnate in my eyes.

And it's not as if I can hide my hate for raisins. It's pretty obvious by the look on my face that raisins pretty much freak me out. And because of that, I'm the target for a lot of jokes. At one point, one of my training partners would bring me a box of raisins on every training ride. He thought it was hilarious. I didn't. I'm pretty sure I ended up throwing each box of raisins far away from me. I really can't remember; I kind of just go into a blind freak out when raisins are near me.

I wish I could say that my dramatic hate for raisins was in jest, but it's not. I guess that there are worse things than raisins, like cactus and papaya, and like, war and shit. I'm actually allergic to papaya and cacti, when ingested, make me sick. Even though they make me sick, they still don't freak me out as much as raisins do.

I really hate raisins.

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