Randy and I got there Friday evening. A bit late, but we got there. We situated ourselves, talked to Chandra and Rob and Randy's parents, ate dinner, and went to bed.
Randy and I went to ride Mormon Emigrant Trail. The ride out of Sly Park was enough climbing for me (no, I'm joking..). We then headed on to Sly Park Rd. and on to Mormon Emigrant Trail. Always a fun climb! All 25 miles of it. I decided that I was going to work on speed, so I started to do some intervals on the harder climbs. The Death Ride got me working on a slow-and-steady, but since the Winters Road Race is coming up, I need to work on speed. 15 miles into the ride and I was bone dry.. No more water for me. So, we turned around. I didn't realize is was so hot! Either way, it was a good ride.
After we got back, we ate some lunch and got ready to kayak. This was my first time ever on a kayak, so I was really excited. We got the tandem ready and into the lake, and I didn't know how to get in and I was freaking out that I was going to tip over. We didn't tip over, and it was hot, so going into the lake wasn't going to be that big of a deal. Randy told me that I pedal too fast so I had to slow down (I was excited! Like a little hummingbird on crack). He weaved around brushes and rocks and freaked me out on purpose, so I splashed him. We also had the treat of seeing the bald eagle that lives there! It was a great sight. Saw some thunder clouds, but no thunder. About an hour later, we went back to shore and put the kayak away.
Bistro 33 catered our diner. Now THERE'S some awesome camping food. It was fantastic, especially after the workout we had (mostly because I was running around like a hummingbird on crack... maybe I should have hung out with the Team Revs kids). Dinner and dessert! Yum. It was Jeanie's birthday, and Big Boss Mike was giving a speech. He said that he and his family had a gift that Jeanie would really appreciate when someone yelled, "A new bike!?" Lo and behold, it was a brand new CycloCross bike! How awesome is THAT!? The kids were racing around the campground, then the adults got on their kids' bikes and raced, too. How many, "Oh crap! My kid's brakes don't work!" we heard was priceless.
We went to our campsite and hung out with Roger, Lisa, Randy's parents, Chandra, and Rob. We told jokes, talked, joked more, and so on. It was a great night. We all decided it was time to go to bed at 11pm. We had a ride in the morning!
We woke up, got the mountain bikes ready, and went over to Jeanie's campsite. She wasn't ready for the ride (she thought it was earlier than it was), so we chatted for a while and then headed out. The ride freaked me out, and within 2 miles, I crashed once into some bushes. At least they broke my fall. Then, we headed up to the Flume and I crashed where I couldn't see how deep the sand was (remember, I have no depth perception). That one hurt a lot. I decided to turn back because I was slowing Randy and his dad down a LOT. So back to the campsite I went, though I wish I could have gone further, but I felt really bad about being so slow on the MTB. People saw me come and and said, "Girl, you're a little dirty!" Yup, I was very dirty! A little scrape on my elbow but nothing huge. Some bruises and lots of fun. The good thing about me turning around is that those thunder clouds came back, and it was thundering! Lighting, thunder... Randy's mom and I decided to tear down the campsite and Randy's and my tent. We did that just in time because it down-poured for a (really) short time. It all works out! The guys came back and we packed up the bikes and went to Randy's parents' house. Showered, ate lunch, hung out, and then came back home.
What a trip! I loved it. I'm so glad I joined Team Revolutions. What an amazing team! I don't think other teams are like this. I know my collegiate team doesn't do stuff like this, we just train and race. Thanks to Mike B for creating such an awesome team and for Jeanie for coordinating the trip. You guys are simply awesome. Oh, and how can I forget.. Bistro 33 for all of the awesome support!
I can't wait for more fun times and next year's camping trip!
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