Seriously, guys. This has been so bad that it gets its own post. People are ridiculous.
I understand that people are passionate about stuff. I really do. I'm passionate about fitness, horses, and my career. What I don't understand is people who keep shoving their fucking beliefs down my throat and then tease/ridicule/make fun of me because I don't follow their batshit crazy ideologies. And yeah, I will use those colorful adjectives because I'm tired of bullshit. I'm too tired and I'm too focused on making myself a better future to deal with said bullshit.
You can be Catholic, Pagan, Mormon, or Atheist; I. Don't. Care. Just don't shove anything in any place of mine if I don't want to be whatever you are. I don't believe in anything and I don't believe in nothing (Yeah. Fuck you, grammar!). I'm just cruising along for the ride right now, trying to make the best life I can in this world because hey, I have one shot at this shit and I want to make the best of things. I may find religion in the future, I may not. I may start wearing a tinfoil hat in the future. I don't know what the future has in store for me as far as spirituality. I just don't know. Accept that and move on with your life.
Actually, I look pretty good in a tinfoil hat.
I also understand that Facebook is a personal thing. However, when I see people post the same shit over and over again, and then ridicule others because they don't follow said person's advice, I'm going to start using that awesome "hide" feature that Facebook made. Also, if you keep calling yourself a health/fitness guru and give people unwanted advice, you're a prick. And that's what people think of you when you keep posting the same thing over and over. Those who call themselves health and fitness gurus are the ones who do not look like health and fitness gurus. If following your advice will make me look like you... then no thanks.
Yeah? See how that made me look like a prick? That's how your posts make you look FIFTEEN THOUSAND TIMES A DAY. Quit being a judgmental asshole.
Also, what the fuck is this "eating clean"? I wash my vegetables before I eat them, too. Is that clean enough? Damn, guys. Damn. It's almost as if people don't want to eat/drink anything anymore because it's not part of this "clean" ideology. I will drink water from wherever the fuck I want. No, it is not the filtered tears of one-hundred virgins. I will eat whatever vegetable I want. No, it is not grown out of the ass of an organic (what a joke), vegetarian farmer. No, I will not drink your stupid smoothies that consist of only carbs and absolutely no protein because it's stupid and the body can't function on stupid carbs only. Yes, I will keep drinking a Go Girl and Monster Energy because that shit is delicious. Yes, I will keep putting a little bit of creamer in my coffee because it's also delicious.
I swear to baby Hey-sus, if anyone gives me any unwanted advice, teases me, or tells me I'm an unhealthy person (another joke), he/she will get a huge "FUCK OFF" and that's it. I'm healthier than most "health gurus" out there and I eat like a normal human being who doesn't stress out about trivial things. Right. Stress is unhealthy. Fuckas! I don't care about your stupid advice because it's stupid. I don't want it. If I wanted it, I would ask for it. Go away.
The assumption that people make about me is completely wrong, as well. I eat pretty much everything in moderation. I have two "free meals" a week. People assume that because I eat just about anything, I'm not following the advice of a dietitian, when in fact, I am. A dietitian, not a nutritionist. Because I'm following science, not the fucking internet.
For those of you who are wondering what the difference is, a dietitian is an expert who participates in research, must be licensed, and is regulated. Nutritionists are not regulated and have varying degrees in education; in other words, anyone can call him/herself a nutritionist.
I don't tell people that I'm seeing an expert. It's not anybody's business. It's mine. It's my diet, my health. And, looking at my recent race results and performance, my diet and training programs are going well together. Next time a cyclist laughs at me for incorporating lifting into my training, I'll just go ahead and laugh. Don't judge me on my eating and training habits; you have no idea how well-planned they actually are.
Seriously. Knock it off. You don't even get a shape to end this one.