Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What's Up, 2013?

Another year has come and gone. Crap, dude. Everything is going so fast. A lot happened in 2012, and even though there were some pretty sad moments, the good definitely outweighed the bad. I got to learn a lot about myself in 2012. I grew a lot as a person, matured more (well...), made some life-changing decisions, and proceeded to take charge of my little dysfunctional Kasea Land.

My cycling grew like no other. My coach was freakin' awesome and guided me through it, and because of that, I was able to accomplish my goals. I'm now a CAT 3 racer who's going to get her ass kicked this year, but it's expected when a person who learned how to ride a bike nearly 5 years ago decides to race and upgrade pretty quickly. While I'm not some super star who was able to upgrade 2 categories in one year, my recent upgrade is pretty good for a person who learned how to ride a bike at 21-years-old.

I also decided not to move to the Bay Area to pursue a PsyD. While I thought it was what I wanted, and things (mistakingly, but I learned my lesson) kept me from moving, it was a good thing that I didn't go for the PsyD. I realized that I want to be a "real doctor" and get a PhD, so I'm taking the steps for that. I don't know how long it's going to take and I'm not sure if I'm going to be some old person still in school, but I'm trying. Also, if Master Plan works, it should be doable.

I'm not telling you guys about Master Plan yet. That's still top secret.

Some friendships died, while others got stronger. I'm happy to say that I have 3 very awesome friends whom I'm not afraid to call my best friends. I'm not sad about the people who have left my life, whether they chose to or I chose for them; they were lessons learned. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but this year seemed to be the "lightbulb" year for me. It's as if I actually grew up and realized that I can't be making the same mistake over and over and over again while expecting a different result each time I make the same damn mistake over and over. It finally got through my thick skull. Einstein, you were right about insanity. Though I guess I wouldn't have chosen to become a Psychologist if I weren't a little insane, right?

I guess I could officially be called educated and shit since I have a diploma. Now if only that meant that I could get a job in my field right away...

Speaking of jobs, in 2012 I became the head trainer at Coulson Ranch. Things are going pretty freakin' awesome and my riding school is going along. I have some pretty great students of all levels. I've also decided to put my psychology degree into use and teach kids with Autism on horseback, which has been a very neat journey and I absolutely love every minute of it. 

I also met a pretty cool guy who rides bikes and puts up with my weird shenanigans. That says something, right?

Overall, 2012 was a pretty awesome year. Probably one of the best years I've had. We'll see if Master Plan unfolds in 2013, what changes come, what victories, and what failures. So, what's up, 2013? I'm looking forward to your surprises. 

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