Friday, April 20, 2012

Bike Review: Leopard TT1

Alright, so we've all been guilty at one point or another of oogling a TT bike. For newbies, some of those TT bikes can look quite awesome and fast. For more seasoned riders, some of those bikes look awesome, fast, and plain sexy. I've had the pleasure of racing the Leopard TT1  for a couple of time trials and let me tell you, that this bike is sexy.

TT riders and bikes (also: Tri bikes and triathletes) have this stereotype that they can only ride in a straight line. While we all know it's not 100% true, the stereotype is there for a reason. Not only do some people not know how to handle a bike, time trial bikes aren't known for their awesome cornering and turning. However, after getting used to the TT1 (took all of 5 miles), I was pretty impressed at how stable it is. I didn't have any of the "oh crap!" moments I've had with other bikes and I was able to descent comfortably. Bike-handling comes easy with this baby.

Folsom Bike South Canal TT

Not only does this bike handle well, it's fast and it looks good. You can't ask for much more. The bike may be a bit pricey for some people, but in this case I've found that you get what you pay for; the bike is worth it. Well built, comfortable, and steady. You don't find that in a lot of time trail bikes.

Check out the website, see if you can find a dealer or a rep near you, try one out. I assure you that you'll want one. It's a great bike. If you're in the Sacramento area, just hit us up and you can test the one in the pictures. Once you ride that Devil, you'll want it all for yourself! Feel free to drop a comment and I'll get you the info you need.

Note: Before you all go on saying that I stole these pictures, I had permission by the very talented Alex Chiu to use these pictures on this post. I wanted his water mark on the pictures so I could give him credit he deserves. Heck, check out his website and see how awesome of a photographer he is. Let's support our local photographers, eh? Thanks, Alex! We're lucky to have such a talented person in our area!


Alex Chiu said...

Great write-up, and thanks!

marrfia said...

It's not pink.........great read and awesome pics